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Xylella Files roundtable

Apr 27, 2023 | Events

Next week on May 2, for the last meeting of the “Xylella Files” spring seminars, a special round
table will take place, with the participation of speakers on the front line in the control of the X.-
fastidiosa induced diseases, and on surveillance and diagnostics.

The panelists:

Monica Cooper (Farm Advisor-Viticulture, UC Cooperative Extension, USA; farmers control of
Pierce’s disease in California)
Vicente Dalmau Sorli (Plant health services, Valencia, Spain; surveillance in Spain)
Matt Kaiser (CDFA, USA; glassy-winged sharpshooter surveillance, treatments in infested areas
and regulatory control in California)
Maria Saponari (CNR, Bari, Italy; efforts to control olive quick decline syndrome in Italy)
Sandra Visnovsky (The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited, New Zealand;
surveillance, sentinel plots and gardens)


Blanca B. Landa (CSIC-IAS, Cordoba, Spain) and Leonardo De La Fuente (Auburn
University, USA, currently in a OECD fellowship at CSIC-IAS)

For more information on the webinar and submitting questions:

Leonardo De LaFuente, lzd0005@auburn.edu and Blanca B. Landa, blanca.landa@csic.es

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