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Registration for the 4th Xylella fastidiosa EU conference is open

Mar 7, 2023 | Events, Updates

The 4th European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa is open for registration until 12 April. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published the notice and the link to apply. The conference, entitled “Researching Sustainable Solutions”, is scheduled for August 20 in Lyon, France, as a satellite event of the International Congress on Plant Pathology.

EFSA is organizing the conference, with the contribution of the most relevant EU and transnational research initiatives addressing X. fastidiosa:  BeXylBIOVEXOERC MultiX and EUPHRESCO.

The BeXyl Project coordinator Blanca B. Landa and the leader of the Plant Health Risk Assessment team at EFSA Giuseppe Stancanelli will chair the conference. The Scientific Committee includes scientists from all the partner organizations and external reviewers.

The deadline for abstracts is 15 March 2023. Researchers are invited to submit proposals for oral or poster presentations on the ICPP2023 website.

EFSA will cover the accommodation and travel expenses of a certain number of young researchers and plant health professionals to support their attendance. More information is available in the post published by EFSA on its website.

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