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On 14 March Xylella-files seminar on metagenomics for Xf identification

Mar 9, 2023 | Events, Updates

On 14 March 2023, in the context of the “Xylella Files” spring seminars, Veronica Roman-Reyna from the Plant Pathology Department of the Ohio State University, will discuss the results of the application of metagenomics as a tool to improve diagnostics for the diseases caused by Xylella fastidiosa, and plant pathogens in general.

Metagenomics is is an approach based on using modern genomic techniques to study microbial communities directly in their natural environment, avoiding the problems related to sampling and cultivation in the laboratory.

Roman-Reyna will talk about a tested application of metagenomic analysis with Next-generation sequencing (NGS). The methodology enabled researchers to speed up affordable and accurate Xylella fastidiosa detection. In just three days, they could identify Xf to the strain level in single- and mixed-infected plant field samples at very low concentrations of bacterial DNA.

For more information on the webinar: Leonardo De La Fuente, lzd0005@auburn.edu.

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