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BeXyl, EFSA and Auburn University launch Xylella Seminars

Feb 1, 2024 | News

The BeXyl Project, EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) and Auburn University are pleased to announce the launch of Xylella Seminars, a new cycle of international scientific webinars on Xylella fastidiosa. The series follows the inspiring path of the Xylella Files, previously organised by the UC Berkeley and Auburn University.

The webinars will provide a platform for informal exchange and interaction on the state of the art of research and control of the epidemics caused by Xylella fastidiosa worldwide.  

The first webinar will start on Tuesday 13 February 2024 at 18.00 CET (Central European Time). Dr. Donato Boscia (CNR-ISPP) will present the current status of X. fastidiosa epidemics in Salento (Italy).

For further information: xylella.seminars.bexyl@ias.csic.es

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