Home 9 Updates 9 News 9 The 1st European Workshop on Electrical Penetration Graph is on track

The 1st European Workshop on Electrical Penetration Graph is on track

Dec 21, 2023 | News

From 16 to 19 June 2024, the BeXyl participant Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Madrid (ICA-CSIC) will host the first European workshop and training course on Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG) technique. EPG is a tool for investigating plant-insect interactions, plant defence and resistance, and for elucidating insect behaviour conducive to the transmission of vector-borne plant pathogens, such as in the case of Xylella fastidiosa.

The main objective of the workshop is to train or refresh the practical skills of both new and experienced EPG users. In addition, all the participants will have the opportunity to give oral and poster presentations on their latest research using the EPG technique.

All the information for the registration and the submission of abstracts is available on the website of the workshop.

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