Home 9 Team 9 WP Leaders and co-leaders 9 Jesus Barreiro-Hurle

Senior scientist at the economics of food systems unit of the Joint Research Centre leading the team on economic analysis of plant health. More than 25 years’ experience in economic analysis of farmer and consumer behaviour; agricultural policy and economics of plant health. Lead the creation of the impact indicator for priority pests (I2P2) used for the identification of priority pests under the EU’s Plant Health Law.

Role in BeXyl Project: Co-lead of Work Package 8 on Ecological, social and economic impacts of Xf and outbreak management approaches. In particular, he is responsible for the estimation of the benefits of implementing control measures for Xf outbreaks (task 8.4.1) and of exploring the costs of adoption by farmers of IPM for Xf control (task 8.4.2).

ORCID: 0000-0002-6422-6047
Mail: jesus.barreiro-hurle@ec.europa.eu
Twitter: @todoslosnegrito