Home 9 Team 9 WP Leaders and co-leaders 9 Antonio Vicent

Coordinator of the Plant Protection and Biotechnology Center, Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research (IVIA). Plant pathologist focused on plant disease epidemiology, integrated management, and risk assessment of exotic diseases.

Role in BeXyl Project: Leader WP2. Active participation in: 1) Development of optimized statistical designs for surveillance of Xf and its vectors; 2) Large-scale use of sustainable thermal treatments at nursery/quarantine level and drafting of official standards; 3) Analysis of ecological impacts associated with Xf outbreaks and disease management measures.

ORCID: ORCID:0000-0002-3848-0631

Mail: vicent_antciv@gva.es

Twitter:  @avicent_agr

Pablo Zarco-Tejada

Pablo Zarco-Tejada

Role: Work Package 2 co-leader

Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada, Professor in Remote Sensing & Precision Agriculture. Leader of the Hyperspectral and Thermal Remote Sensing Laboratory (HyperSens) established jointly between the School of Agriculture and Food (SAF) and the Faculty of Engineering and...