Home 9 Team 9 WP Leaders and co-leaders 9 Angjelina Belaj

Research Scientist at the Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Area. More than 20 years of experience in olive genetic resources and breeding. Curator of the World Collection of Olive Varieties of IFAPA.

Role in BeXyl Project: Work Package 4 co-leader. Active participation in: 1) Large-scale testing of main perennial crops for identifying plant resistance to Xf.; 2) Deepening into molecular plant responses to Xf infection; 3) Developing genomics tools linked to Xf resistance and their application for germplasm screening genomics-assisted breeding; 4) The potential use and applicability of Thermal Treatment therapy for Xf on plant propagation material

ORCID: 0000-0002-4526-0979
Mail: angjelina.belaj@juntadeandalucia.es