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Crescenza Dongiovanni

Role: Institutional Leader and task Leader

CRSFA - Centro di Ricerca, Sperimentazione e Formazione in Agricoltura "Basile Caramia" - Italy

Research Scientist at the Center for Research, Experimentation and Formation in Agriculture “Basile Caramia”. More than 25 years of experience in Plant pathology and entomology.

Role in BeXyl Project: Active participation in: 1) Effects of climate change and host range of Xf-Pauca; 2) Evaluation of new methods for monitoring vector and rapid detection; 3) Use of thermal treatments for sanitation of Xf-free plants; 5) Testing promising entomopathogenic fungi or endophytic entomopathogenic fungi against Xf-vectors and interfere on transmission; 6) Search of parasitoids of eggs and adults of P. spumarius; 7) Evaluation of ground cover management in vector population reductions; 8) Testing integrated solution for Xf containment. 

ORCID: ORCID: 0000-0001-7956-0286

Mail: enzadongiovanni@crsfa.it

Alberto Fereres

Alberto Fereres

Role: Institutional Leader and Task Leader

Full Professor at the Spanish Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas) at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (ICA-CSIC). More than 35 years of experience in the field of insect feeding behaviour, insect ecology, virus-vector-plant...