Home 9 Team 9 Other leading partners 9 Carlos Chacón Díaz

Carlos Chacón Díaz

Role: Institutional Leader

CIET - Center for Research in Tropical Diseases - Costa Rica

Microbiologist specialized in bacterial pathogenesis. Have worked for more than 15 years in bacterial pathogens such as Xylella fastidiosa and Brucella sp. Interested in physiological and bacteriological traits that differentiate pathogenic strains and how these traits affect the interaction within different hosts.

I represent the team leader for the Costa Rican partner. My role is to execute, collaborate and disseminate research activities that involve the participation of Costa Rica in the project. Another role is to seek that the results and activities generated throughout this research effort, can be applied, or support the policy making and productive parties in the country.

Email: carlos.chacondiaz@ucr.ac.cr

Alberto Fereres

Alberto Fereres

Role: Institutional Leader and Task Leader

Full Professor at the Spanish Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas) at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (ICA-CSIC). More than 35 years of experience in the field of insect feeding behaviour, insect ecology, virus-vector-plant...