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SMS – Surrender Media Solutions


Surrender Media Solutions (SMS) is a Belgian communication company specialized in the production of journalistic content that has been working for 10 years with media, universities, and NGOs throughout the European Union. SMS managed communication and information campaigns in Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, and the United Kingdom. Among the various works, SMS created a journalistic video documentary for the CNR (the Italian National Research Center) in Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.


UdG – Universidad de Girona

UdG – Universidad de Girona

The University of Girona is a public higher education institution created 30 years ago, that excels in research and is involved in social progress through the creation, transmission, dissemination and criticism of science, technology, the humanities, social...

CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

The National Research Council (CNR) is one of the main research Institution of this consortium. Two different Institutes are involved, covering a range of WP and Tasks: the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection is involved in several field and laboratory...

UNITO – Università di Torino

UNITO – Università di Torino

The Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA) of the University of Torino, Italy, is devoted to research and teaching in the field of agricultural and forest ecosystems as well as of agrifood chains. The activities focus on biological, productive,...