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CRSFA – Centro Ricerca Sperimentazione e Formazione in Agricoltura


The Center for Research, Experimentation and Formation in Agriculture (CRSFA) is a non-profit association, with the aim of research, experimentation, demonstration, dissemination, formation and technical assistance in agriculture. The CRSFA is accredited by the Regional Phytosanitary Service of the Puglia Region to carry out phytosanitary analyses for diagnosis of quality and quarantine pathogenic organisms in vegetable, ornamental, fruit plants and propagating materials. The CRSFA also has the Chemical Laboratorie, accredited by Accredia for determination of phytosanitary products in fruit and vegetable matrices, Ochratoxin A in wine, olive oil, soil, waters, aflatoxins, leaves analysis.

The testing facility of CRSFA, has accredited by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies for conducting official field trials with plant protection products for evaluations of efficacy and residues, in various sectors of activity.

CRSFA has participated as a partner in various regional, national and European projects related to the Xylella objects, including projects of the Horizon Europe H2020 Program (POnTE; XF-ACTORS; BIOVEXO; CURE-XF) in which were carried out activities in order to verify measures for the bacterium containment, evaluation of the efficacy of chemical and/or organic insecticides for the control of the vector, conducted studies on the transmission, biology and ethology of Philaneus spumarius, and identified potential vectors of the bacterium.


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