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Xylella Files presents ‘The Invisibile Fire’, the book about the Xf outbreak in Apulia

Nov 1, 2023 | News, Updates

On November 7Daniele Rielli (Italian book author, documentary filmmaker, and podcast host) will present his book Il Fuoco Invisibile. Storia Umana di un Disastro Naturale (“The Invisible Fire. A Human Story of a Natural Disaster”) in a Xylella Files webinar.

In the fall of 2013, a team of Italian researchers in Apulia detected Xylella fastidiosa in an open field for the first time in Europe. The news and the subsequent developments triggered a social reaction of a scale unprecedented for a phytosanitary emergency.

The book tells the story from different perspectives. Over the years, the author has collected dozens of interviews with the people affected, including researchers who are part of the Xylella Files group, and describes the impact that a plant disease can have on a community, analyzing the spread of misinformation as a common problem of modern society. 

For more information, please get in touch with Leonardo De La Fuente.

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