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Xylella Files webinar on the mechanisms of Pierce disease’s mortality

Oct 20, 2023 | News, Updates

On 24 October, Ana Clara Fanton from Yale University will join the Xylella Files Autumn Webinars to shed light on the mechanisms of Pierce’s Disease (PD) mortality. PD is the Xf induced disease affecting grapevines in the USA. Despite consensus that the proliferation and systematic spread of Xylella fastidiosa through the xylem reduces water transport capacity, leading to reduced vine productivity and ultimately death, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of Xf-induced mortality. 

Fanton will present data on the effect of Xf on the photosynthetic performance, starch storage and the stem hydraulics. The data support the link between the loss of hydraulic conductivity due to excessive tylosis production and a subsequent decline in photosynthetic activity and starch depletion in PD susceptible plants. This suggests that hydraulic failure and carbon starvation underlie PD-induced plant mortality.

For more information, please contact Rodrigo Almeida.

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