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Xf4 highlights: how research contributed to the EU legislation

Aug 25, 2023 | News

In July the EU approved updates to the list of plants known to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa (one or more species) and Xylella fastidiosa subspecies fastidiosa, it emerged at the 4th European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa. The European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1201 is the legislative reference for the measures against the quarantine pathogen’s spread and introduction into the EU,  Maria Belen Márquez García from the European Commission recalled in her presentation. 

The EU official provided background information on the EU outbreaks and the evolution of the legislation for managing them from a “one-size-fits-all” approach to more tailored and context-sensitive measures. Data provided by EU research have played a significant role in that development, the co-chair of the conference and BeXyl project leader Blanca B. Landa underlined in the concluding remarks. EU institutions are currently considering slight changes to the 2020 legislative framework. 

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