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Xf4 highlights: The Era of Giants, the documentary on Xylella

Aug 25, 2023 | News

The 4th European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa program included the documentary The Era of Giants screening. The film, directed by Davide Barletti and Lorenzo Conte, reflects on the ecologic, social, and economic impact of X. fastidiosa in Apulia.

The “Giants” in the title are the centuries-old olives threatened by Xylella fastidiosa. The film alternates stories of farmers and locals who have seen these plants, which have survived everything, dry up quickly and apparently for no reason, with interviews with Nobel prizes, journalists, writers, scientists (the BeXyl WP leader Pierfederico La Notte among them), and sociologists who offer a complete view on both the bacteriological phenomenon and the social reaction to the epidemics. 

International distribution and promotion: Summerside Media, Francesca Manno, f.manno@summerside-international.com

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