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Paper: evolution and perspectives of xylem microbiome studies

Mar 21, 2023 | News, Updates

A better understanding of the xylem microbiome of olive trees is paramount to developing endotherapy treatments for diseases caused by vascular plant pathogens such as Xylella fastidiosa, scientists say. Researchers from the BeXyl coordinating organization IAS-CSIC published a paper entitled “Insights into the Methodological, Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing the Characterization of Xylem-Inhabiting Microbial Communities of Olive Trees”, in which they take stock of the studies on the microbial communities of the xylem vessels of olive trees and explore future perspectives in that field.

In particular, the recent advances in molecular biology, focusing on metagenomics and culturomics, and bioinformatics network analysis, are promising tools to tackle the challenges that microorganisms populating the xylem microbiome pose to research. These microorganisms, the paper reads, “could be ideal targets” for designing microbial consortia “that can be applied by endotherapy treatments to prevent or control diseases caused by vascular pathogens or modify the physiology and growth of olive trees.”

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