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On 21 March Xylella-files seminar on Xf new vector in Israel

Mar 17, 2023 | News

On 21 March 2023, in the context of the “Xylella Files” spring seminars, Rakefet Sharon and Maor Tomer from Northern Agriculture R&D will discuss the identification of Xylella fastidiosa vectors in Israel. In the presentation entitled “The potential vector of Xylella fastidiosa in Israel: its transmission efficacy, life cycle and behavior” researchers will describe the identification of a new vector of Xf-related diseases in Israel.

Scientists detected Xylella fastidiosa (subsp. fatsidiosa) in the northern part of the country in almond orchards in 2016 and vineyards in 2021. Philaenus spumarius, the vector of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe, does not exist in Israel. Research on vectors focused on other species and identified one not present in the US and Europe. That vector was reported only in the Middle East without any information on its biology, behavior, and ability to transmit X. fastidiosa

Sharon and Tomer’s work demonstrates that the vector identified can transmit X. fastidiosa between almonds, between grapevines, and between both hosts. Current research is examining the vector’s efficacy of transmission, biology, phenology, and behavior.

For more information on the webinar: Leonardo De La Fuente, lzd0005@auburn.edu.

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