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On 20 August the 4th European conference on Xylella fastidiosa

Jul 17, 2023 | News

The 4th European conference on Xylella fastidiosa will open in one month. With the contribution of the major EU and transnational research initiatives on X. fastidiosa (BeXylBIOVEXOERC MultiX, and EUPHRESCO), the European food safety Authority (EFSA) organized the conference on August 20 in Lyon, France, as a satellite event of the 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. The “Researching Sustainable Solutions” conference will bring together researchers, risk assessors, risk managers, and stakeholders to discuss the most recent scientific developments in the fight against X. fastidiosa.

Blanca B. Landa, the BeXyl Project coordinator, and Giuseppe Stancanelli, the EFSA Plant Health Risk Assessment team leader, will chair the event managing an intense and engaging program to take stock of the results from research over the last decade. The topics include the pathogen’s biology, ecology and genetics, epidemiology, interaction with the host plants, resistant/tolerant plant germplasm, surveillance and early detection tools, vectors biology and sustainable control strategies, endophytic microbial resources, and sustainable and integrated pest and disease management.

Registration for in-person attendance is closed. However, the plenary sessions will be web streamed. All relevant information is on the EFSA dedicated webpage.

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