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New Xf demarcated area in Apulia

Dec 4, 2022 | News

Following the results of the most recent monitoring activities, a new Xf demarcated area called ‘Valle d’Itria’ has been established in Apulia, Southern Italy. The new infected zone covers the lands of Polignano, Monopoli, Alberobello and part of the land of Castellana Grotte. The buffer zone, at least 5 km wide, includes the remaining part of the latter and includes part of the lands of Mola, Conversano, Putignano and Noci. The need to proceed with this new demarcation originates from the acknowledgement of the outcome of the ongoing monitoring, which suggests that there is a high phytosanitary risk in the newly demarcated area. The tests identified 39 infected plants in the free area between the delimited areas of Monopoli and Polignano, 76 in the delimited area of Monopoli, 4 in the delimited area of Polignano and 4 in the buffer zone of the delimited area ‘Salento’. The number of the affected municipalities in the province of Bari, a crucial area for Italian olives production, rises to 5 (infected zone) to which a further 4 are added with the buffer zone.

The EU rules require eradication measures to be implemented in the infected zone, in particular the felling of all susceptible plants within a radius of 50 meters around each infected plant.

Source Infoxylella

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