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EFSA adds 12 new plant species to the Xf host database

Jun 28, 2023 | News

The European Food Safety Authority added 12 new plant species to the Xylella fastidiosa host plants database. The overall number of X. fastidiosa host plants determined with at least two different detection methods or positive with one method (between sequencing and pure culture isolation) now includes 433 plant species, 197 genera, and 68 families. The numbers rise to 690 plant species, 306 genera, and 88 families, regardless of the detection methods applied.

Nine plant species were reported from Portugal and naturally infected by subspecies multiplex or unknown (i.e. not reported). The chestnut (Castanea sativa) is among them. Three plant species were successfully artificially infected by subspecies fastidiosa.

In the update, covering the literature published up to 31 December 2022, EFSA also added new information on plant species’ tolerant/resistant response to X. fastidiosa infection.

The EFSA database, created upon a mandate of the European Commission, aims to provide information and scientific support to risk assessors, risk managers, and researchers dealing with X. fastidiosa.

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