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Apulia Region updates the Xylella action plan

Jan 5, 2023 | News

The Apulia regional authorities will intensify surveillance actions in the highest Xylella fastidiosa risk areas, emerged in the new Action plan to prevent the spread of Xylella fastidiosa (Well et al.) in Puglia – two-year period 2023-2024, published on 27 December 2022.

The new strategy of the Italian Region substantially confirms the 2022 plan, but for the first time it will cover two years (2023-2024). The more significant change results from the new delimitation of the area called Valle d’Itria, which extends the obligation of insecticide treatments for the control of vector insects to the entire Mola di Bari countryside. In the same new demarcated area, the derogation on removal for plants officially designated as plants with historic value, required by EU Regulation 2020/1201, will no longer apply on the centuries-old olive trees found to be Xf-free within a radius of 50 meters.

In the following weeks, Infoxylella will publish a detailed analysis of the plan.

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