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Xylella ten years after, second episode: the anti-Xf dogs

Feb 8, 2024 | Dissemination, Interviews

Building on the success of the experiments on canines’ detecting plants’ pathogens, the BeXyl Project supports the Xylella detection dogs’ initiative, started in 2021. The goal is to have a squad of sniffing dogs to detect early stage, asymptomatic Xylella fastidiosa infections. Here is the second episode of our reportage from Italy, “Xylella, ten years after”.

Eyes from the sky to spot Xf infections, a talk with Pablo Zarco

Eyes from the sky to spot Xf infections, a talk with Pablo Zarco

When plants are sick, they send signals human senses cannot detect. Cameras that are sensitive to infrared and electromagnetic radiation can though. For many years, scientists have been experimenting with ways to use this knowledge to detect plant pathogens at an...

The BeXyl Project on the Spanish newspaper El Pais

The BeXyl Project on the Spanish newspaper El Pais

The BeXyl Project is on the Spanish and international press, thanks to an extensive report (English version here) of El País, one of the top newspapers in Spain. "You have to learn to live with the bacteria and minimize the damage. What growers would like – to throw a...