Home 9 Outcomes 9 Publications 9 Detection of Xylella fastidiosa in Host Plants and Insect Vectors by Droplet Digital PCR

Detection of Xylella fastidiosa in Host Plants and Insect Vectors by Droplet Digital PCR

Authors: Nicola Bodino, Vincenzo Cavalieri, Crescenza Dongiovanni, Maria Saponari, and Domenico Bosco
Date Published: 21/03/2023
Via: APS Publications
Keywords: Epidemiology


Spatial-temporal dynamics of spittlebug populations, together with transmission biology, are of major importance to outline the disease epidemiology of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) subsp. pauca in Apulian olive groves. The spread rate of Xf is mainly influenced by (i) the pathogen colonization of the host plant; (ii) the acquisition of the pathogen by the vector from an infected plant, and its inoculation to healthy plants; (iii) the vector population dynamics and abundance at different spatial scales; (iv) the dispersal of the vector. In this contribution we summarize the recent advances in research on insect vectors’ traits – points (ii), (iii), (iv) – focusing on those most relevant to Xf epidemic in Apulia. Among the vectors’ bioecological traits influencing Xf epidemic on olive trees, we emphasize: natural infectivity and transmission efficiency, phenological timing of both nymphal and adult stage, the role of semi-natural vegetation as vectors’ reservoir in the agroecosystem and landscape, preferential and directional dispersal capabilities. Despite the research on Xf vectors carried out in Europe in the last decade, key uncertainties on insect vectors remain, hampering a thorough understanding of pathogen epidemiology and the development of effective and targeted management strategies. Our goal is to provide a structured and contextualized review of knowledge on Xf vectors’ key traits in Apulian epidemic, highlighting information gaps and stimulating novel research pathways on Xf pathosystems in Europe.

European Xylella fastidiosa strains can cause symptoms in blueberry

Authors: Deepak Shantharaj, Miguel Román-Écija, María Del Pilar Velasco Amo, Juan A. Navas-Cortés, Blanca Beatriz Landa del Castillo, and Leonardo De La Fuente

Date: 07/07/24

Strains of the bacterial pathogen Xylella fastidiosa subspecies multiplex (Xfm) and pauca (Xfp) isolated from symptomatic almond and olive plants in Spain and Italy were used in this study. Due to the risk of host jump and considering the importance of southern...

Performance of outbreak management plans for emerging plant diseases: the case of almond leaf scorch caused by Xylella fastidiosa in mainland Spain

Authors: Martina Cendoya, Elena Lázaro, Ana Navarro-Quiles, Antonio López-Quílez, David Conesa, and Antonio Vicent

Date: 13/07/24

Outbreak response to quarantine pathogens and pests in the European Union (EU) is regulated by the EU Plant Health Law, but the performance of outbreak management plans in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency has been quantified only to a limited extent. As a...