Home 9 The Bexyl Consortium 9 JRC – Joint Research Centre – European Commission

JRC – Joint Research Centre – European Commission


The Joint Research Centre is the Commission’s science and knowledge service. The JRC employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy. Within JRC Directorate D for Sustainable Resources, Unit D.4 “Economics of Food Systems” focuses on the analysis of agricultural, food and trade policies in the EU, and on the further development of the European bioeconomy, as well as food security and related policies in third countries. The policy support provided by the Unit is based on quantitative economic research, in particular using economic modelling tools.


UCO – Universidad de Cordoba

UCO – Universidad de Cordoba

Although it was established in 1972, UCO is the inheritor of the Free University of Córdoba (Universidad Libre de Córdoba), which operated in the province in the late 19th century. Centenary institutions like the Faculty of Veterinary Science depend on UCO. UCO stands...