Home 9 The Bexyl Consortium 9 IRFAP – Institut de recerca i formació agrària i pesquera

IRFAP – Institut de recerca i formació agrària i pesquera


 Institut de Recerca i Formació Agroalimentària i Pesquera de les Illes Balears (IRFAP)

It was created in 2002 as an administrative body without legal personality, attached to the local Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food in Palma de Mallorca. Its main objective is Promote, coordinate, plan, develop and evaluate research and development, innovation, digitization and experimentation programs in agriculture, livestock, fishing and food.

In addition to research tasks, IRFAP offers chemical composition analysis services for irrigation water samples, croplands samples and foliar samples, as well as Plant Health.


  • Diego Olmo
  • Alicia Nieto
  • Andreu Juan
  • David Borràs
  • Eduardo Moralejo
UCO – Universidad de Cordoba

UCO – Universidad de Cordoba

Although it was established in 1972, UCO is the inheritor of the Free University of Córdoba (Universidad Libre de Córdoba), which operated in the province in the late 19th century. Centenary institutions like the Faculty of Veterinary Science depend on UCO. UCO stands...