Home 9 The Bexyl Consortium 9 FCRA – Forest Research

FCRA – Forest Research


Forest Research, United Kingdom

Principal social scientist specialising in the social dimensions of plant health researching knowledge, values and behaviours of a wide range of actors influencing pathways of pest and disease spread. Member of the Society and Environment Research Group (SERG). Forest Research is Great Britain’s principal organisation for forestry and tree-related research. Forest research is internationally renowned for the provision of science, research, evidence, data, and services in support of sustainable forestry.


  • Harry Marshall
  • Amy Eacock 
  • Jiaqi Wei
  • Katy Spencer
  • Lisa Ward
  • Mariella Marzano
  • Toni Clarke
UCO – Universidad de Cordoba

UCO – Universidad de Cordoba

Although it was established in 1972, UCO is the inheritor of the Free University of Córdoba (Universidad Libre de Córdoba), which operated in the province in the late 19th century. Centenary institutions like the Faculty of Veterinary Science depend on UCO. UCO stands...